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» Facilities

Having a well-equipped science lab is indispensable for any educational institute without which a school can’t run smoothly. Our six science labs comprising Physics, Chemistry & Biology are well –planned, developed and enriched with modern equipment. These have achieved the status of both O’ and A’ Level Practical Exams Venue of Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) where the PIS students and those from other schools are sitting for practical exams every year.

Since we offer computer science in both O’ and A’ Levels, we emphasise this from junior classes. At present, we have five computer labs with projectors in all the three campuses aided with internet access. In fact, computer programming will accelerate students’ fascination for obtaining higher degrees on computer science other engineering courses and we’re looking forward to seeing our students reach their goals.

Reading makes a man enlightened and accomplished without which perfection cannot be attained. We have two separate large and rich libraries on both campuses to motivate our young learners in order to enhance their learning habit and practice of knowledge at the budding stage of their lives. Under the supervision of two capable librarians, books are circulated to the students who are also encouraged to read inside the library. Thousands of books on Bangladesh, Liberation war, Biography, Geography, History, Literature, Science, Religion, Children’s Literature, Juvenile magazines, journals, newspapers etc.are available here. There is a separate booth for ″Biswa Shahittya Kendro″ which maintains its regular activities by arranging a Reading Circle programme among our literary genius students. This centre also conducts a competition among our students and rewards them.

Students enrolled in science subjects, will have access to the fully equipped science labs designated for Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Basketball and table tennis are the most likeable games among our students. School provides a good basketball ground for the students with practice facilities after the school hours.

We have a very lucrative facility for talented students. For example, A’ Level admission seekers(coming from other schools as well as PIS students) are offered with the special waiver as given below:

Status Admission Fee Tuition Fee
9A* 50% 50%
7A* & 8A* 25% 25%
6A* 20% 20%